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St. Sebastian was a well educated and well liked officer in the Roman army. He was well liked by the emperor and a member of his praetorian guard. He was also a Christian and refused an order to persecute other Christians. He was executed by being shot with a number of arrows. He survived and after he was healed he returned to preaching the Gospel. When the emperor found he was still alive he ordered him beaten to death.
According to his legend, Sebastian was born at Narbonne.He is patron saint of athletes because of his physical endurance and his energetic way of spreading and defending the Faith. Sebastian is also patron to all soldiers. . He was declared patron of plague sufferers of his reported cures of those afflicted with many diseases.

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Is Saint Sebastian the patron saint of athletes?

Yes, St. Sebastian is the patron saint of athletes and athletics.

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St. Sebastian is the patron saint of athletes.

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Is Saint Sebastian the patron saint of sports?

Yes, Sebastian is the patron saint of all athletics and athletes - male or female.

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