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Q: What is the nationality of the person who established the nobel prize?
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When was the Nobel Prize started and by whom?

Alfred Nobel established the Nobel prize in his will. The prize was officially established upon Nobel's death December 10, 1896.

When was nobel prize established?

The first Nobel Prize was awarded in 1901.

Has Democritus won a Nobel Prize?

No, Democritus has not won a Nobel Prize as he lived in ancient Greece and the Nobel Prize was established much later in 1895.

Who established the nobel prize in physics?

The Nobel Prize in Physics is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895 and awarded annually since 1901. (The other 4 prizes are in Chemistry, Literature, and Physiology or Medicine, and the Nobel Peace Prize.)

Why was the mathematics Nobel Prize established?

It wasn't.

What is the purpose of Nobel prizes?

The Nobel Prize is awarded in recognition of scientific and cultural advancement. The prize was established by Alfred Nobel through his will in 1895.

When was the Nobel Prize in Physics created?

The Nobel Prize in Physics was established in 1895 and first awarded in 1901. It and four other prizes were established in accordance with the will of chemist and philanthropist Alfred Nobel. The other prizes are in Chemistry, Literature, and Physiology or Medicine, and the Nobel Peace Prize.

Why did they name Nobel Prize its name?

It was named the Nobel Prize after Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel, inventor of dynamite. It was named after him because his will established them in 1895.

How many person Refuse the Nobel Prize?

Two Nobel Laureates have declined the Nobel Prize!

Who was the first recipient of the Nobel Prize for Economics?

The Nobel Prize for Economics was established in 1968, and in 1969, the first Nobel Prize for Economics was awarded jointly to Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen.

Has Charles Dickens ever received the Nobel Prize for Literature?

No, Charles Dickens did not receive the Nobel Prize for Literature. The Nobel Prize in Literature was established in 1901, after his death in 1870.