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the nature of symmetry of a field due to a dipole is cylindrical in nature

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Q: What is the nature of symmetry of a field due to a dipole?
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What is the angle between the electric dipole moment and the electric field strength due to it on axial line?

direction-along the axis of dipole from -q to +q.

What molecule possesses a net dipole moment?

Typically one where bond dipoles do not cancel due to the molecular symmetry. The lone pairs also give rise to a small dipole moment and these may cancel out small bond dipoles it depends on the relative directions of the dipole moments.

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Calculate the field due to an electric dipole of length 10 cm and consisting of charges of -+ 100 μC at appoint 20cm from each charge

What is difference between between electric dipole moment and magnetic dipole moment?

Magnetic dipole is due to two poles of magnet. Electric dipole is due to +ve and -ve charges of electric charges.

Is boron triflouride a dipole moment?

No. the bonds are polar covalent and there are bond dipoles but these cancel each other out (vector addition0 due to the symmetry of the molecule. BF3 is planar with a bond angle of 1200.

Why a dipole develops in a molecule?

a dipole develops in a molecule due to unequal sharing of electrons.

What is the difference between instantaneous dipole and induced dipole?

Dipole-dipole is between two polar molecules, that would be polar anyway. Dipole-induced dipole is between a polar molecule and a non-polar molecule that is now polar due to the proximity of a polar molecule.

What is dipolar nature of water?

A dipole refers to two electrostatic charges which are separated by distance. In chemical compounds a dipole refers to unequal distribution of charge across a molecule that leads to an effective dipole often due to vector sum of bond dipoles.

Why does CO2 have a permanent dipole-dipole interaction?

Carbonate (CO3 2-) is trigonal planar with a central C and three O's 120 degrees from each other (D3h symmetry). All the O's have the same electron density because of resonance. This gives carbonate no dipole.

What is Dipole - Dipole interaction?

When a polar and a non-polar molecule come close the attraction taking place between them due to partial charges isknown as dipole induced dipole interaction.

What intermolecular forces exist between two SO2 molecules?

Dipole-Dipole as SO" is a bent molecule with a dipole momennt (1.62D) due to the electronegativity dfference between S and O. There will also be weaker London dispersion forces due to instantaneous dipoles.

Why is ph3 Dispersion and Dipole-Dipole?

PH3 has a dipole moment , of 0.58 D. Therefore there will be dipole dipole interactions. All molecules experience London dispersion forces as these are caused by the interaction of instantaneous dipoles due to the movement of electrons within the molecules.