

What is the nearest city to the amazon rain foerest?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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New York...probably...

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Q: What is the nearest city to the amazon rain foerest?
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What is the nearest airport in the rain forest in Amazon in Brazil?

Gatwick lol

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If cities count then the only major city in the Amazon is Manaus.

0 north 60west?

Deep in the Amazon rain forest in Brazil, about 50 miles away from the nearest road.

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Is the nearest ocean to the amazon rain forest the pacific?

No. The most distant source of the Amazon River is a glacial stream on a snowcapped mountain peak in the Peruvian Andes. The Amazon River flows from this source to its mouth, where it empties into the Atlantic Ocean. The Amazon Rain Forest grows on either side of the Amazon River and its many tributaries, but does not come in contact with the Pacific Ocean because of the Andes mountain range. Refer to the related links for a satellite photo of the Amazon Rain Forest.

What are the wind patterns in the Amazon rain forest?

there is no wind in the amazon rain forest.

What rain forest does the Amazon River Basin contain?

the amazon rain forest

Is the amazon rain forest the largest rain forest in the world?

Yes, the Amazon rain forest is the largest rain forest in the world

What and where is the worlds largest rain forest?

The Amazon is the largest rain forest in the world.

Are there cocoa trees in the Amazon Rain Forest?

not the amazon really but in tropical rain forests there are

Are there a lot of tress in the amazon rain forest?

yes there is a a couple trees in the Amazon rain forest

Would the anaconda live in the Amazon rain forest?

The anaconda does live in the amazon rain forest.