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A differential amplifier will amplify the difference between 2 signals. This is useful in control systems, where one signal can represent what is actually happening (could be a position or speed, for example). The other signal can represent what is desired.

A differential amplifier could be used in a cruise control on a car. When you set the cruise control, a voltage level can represent the speed that the car was traveling when set. If the car starts going up a hill and slows down, the voltage difference would be amplified, and the output of the differential amplifier can be sent to an actuator, which moves a lever to increase the rate of fuel going to the engine. When you get back to the desired speed, the difference is zero, and the actuator stops moving. If your speed increases too much, then it would have a negative voltage, so the actuator would move the other way, decreasing the rate of fuel to the engine.

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13y ago

A: Immense from an analogue computer to ADC to DAC to audio. Their use is probably the same as digital usage.

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