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No need, just for convenience. Eg the mass of an electron is 9.11*10^-31 kg = 8.19*10^-14 J/c^2 = 512000 eV/c^2.

Which is the easier number to work with? The mass in kg or J/c^2 which is so tiny you can't really grasp it (and it makes maths trickier, you've got to remember to keep all those powers of 10) or the mass in eV/c^2.

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Electron volt (eV) is a unit of energy commonly used in atomic and nuclear physics to describe energy levels of particles like electrons. Defining energy in terms of eV allows for more convenient and precise measurements in the microscopic world where energy quantities are very small and can vary significantly. It provides a simple and coherent way to describe energy transfer and interactions on the atomic and subatomic scale.

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Q: What is the need to define electron volt energy?
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In physics what is an electron volt?

An electron volt (eV) is a unit of energy equal to the energy transferred when an electron is accelerated through a potential difference of one volt. It is commonly used in particle physics and quantum mechanics to describe energy levels of particles at the atomic and subatomic scale.

What is the relation between 1 electron volt and 1 joule?

1 electron volt (eV) is equal to the amount of energy gained by an electron when it is accelerated through a potential difference of 1 volt. This energy amount is approximately equal to 1.6 x 10^-19 joules.

How would a proton-volt compare with electron volt if the mass of proton is 1840 time of electron?

A proton-volt (PV) would be 1840 times greater than an electron-volt (eV) since the mass of a proton is 1840 times greater than the mass of an electron. This means that one proton-volt is equivalent to 1840 electron-volts.

How much energy is stored in a one volt battery?

The amount of energy stored in a one volt battery depends on its capacity, usually measured in watt-hours (Wh) or joules (J). To calculate the energy, you would need to know the battery's capacity in ampere-hours (Ah) and multiply it by the voltage (1 volt).

What is the relation between joule and electron volt?

Joules or eV are units of energy - In particle phsyics, 1 joule is a very large amount of energy, so sometimes physisits use eV or other adaptated units for the field they work in. At the end its all the same its a quantity of energy ! 1 rad (or rem) = 0.01 joules per kilogram 1 gray (or sievert) = 1 joule per kilogram 1 rad = 6.24E7 MeV per gram 1 rad = 100 ergs per gram 1 electron volt = 1.6E-12 ergs 1 electron volt = 1.6E-19 joules 1 electron volt = 0.001 keV 1 electron volt = 1E-6 MeV 1 erg = 1E-7 joules 1 erg = 6.24E5 MeV 1 erg = 6.24E11 electron volts 1 MeV = 1.6E-6 ergs 1 joule = 1E7 ergs

Related questions

Define electron volt?

An electron volt (eV) is a unit of energy equal to the energy gained by an electron as it moves through a potential difference of one volt. It is commonly used in atomic and subatomic physics to describe the energy of particles at the atomic and molecular scale.

In physics what is an electron volt?

An electron volt (eV) is a unit of energy equal to the energy transferred when an electron is accelerated through a potential difference of one volt. It is commonly used in particle physics and quantum mechanics to describe energy levels of particles at the atomic and subatomic scale.

What is longer unit of energy?

electron volt

What is the energy of sun in electron volt?

The energy of the sun is approximately 26.7 million electronvolts (MeV) per particle. This energy is generated through nuclear fusion processes in the sun's core, where hydrogen atoms are converted into helium atoms.

What is an electron vault?

An electron vault is a virtual container or secured environment that isolates and protects sensitive electronic information or data from unauthorized access or cyber threats. It typically involves encryption, authentication, and access control measures to ensure data security and confidentiality.

What is the energy gap of a semiconductor?

It is in a range of 1eV. (eV=electron volt)

How is the electron volt related to the si unit of energy?

The SI unit of energy is the joule. The electron-volt, a non-standard (non-SI) unit, is equal to about 1.6 x 10-19 joule.

What is 7 trillion electron volts in mains voltage?

They're different things. An "electron volt" is not the same as a "volt". An "electron volt" is an amount of energy. It's the work you have to do in order to lift one electron to a place that's 1 volt more negative, and also the amount of energy that one electron loses when it falls to a place that's 1 volt more positive. "1 joule" of energy is the amount of energy you pay for if you use 1 watt for 1 second, and that's about 6,250,000,000,000,000,000 electron volts of energy. If you use 1,000 watts for 1 hour, you pay for 1 kilowatt-hour of energy. That's about 22,500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 electron volts of energy, or 3.6 million joules. It costs around 15¢ to 25¢ in most places. The "7 trillion electron volts" in the question is something like the amount of energy that you'd have to pay for if you used 1 watt for 0.00000112 second. It's not much.

Can electronvolt converted to millivolt?

No; electron-volt is a measure of energy, not of voltage (or potential).

How many volts is 110keV?

There is no relationship between eV and V. An electron/volt is the energy acquired by an electron as it moves through an electric field of one volt. So 110 KeV is the energy acquired by an electron as it moves through an electric field of 110,000 volts.

Will 2.0 250 volt replace a 1.6 125 volt?

You need to define what you mean by 2.0 and 1.6.

If an electron gun electron is moved with electric potential of 9000 volt.then What will be the energy of electron in electron volt?

The energy of the electron in electron volts can be calculated by using the formula E (in electron volts) = V (volts) * e, where "e" is the elementary charge of an electron (approximately 1.6 x 10^-19 coulombs). Plugging in the values, E = 9000 V * 1.6 x 10^-19 C ≈ 1.44 x 10^-15 electron volts.