

What is the need to use pointers in C programming?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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find the address

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Q: What is the need to use pointers in C programming?
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What are pointers in c-programming?

i don't realy have any idea about this but i think its the need of postures

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What is the difference between c plus plus and java programming?

Java doesn't have pointers. C++ has pointers.

What are the pointers in computer programming using c?


Is C plus plus good for Embedded programming or not?

C and C++ programming is good for embedded programming. However, embedded implies long running, and that means the possibility of memory fragmentation. You will need to spend time working out or acquiring a method of memory management, such as the use of Smart Pointers and Garbage Collection. This is not a trivial task, but it is a necessary task.

Why are header files not required when using far and near pointers?

In C programming, header files are required. It doesn't matter if you are using near pointers, far pointers, both, or neither -- you still need header files. There is no connection between the necessity of header files and the pointers' size.

In C you use the concept of pointers whereas there are no pointers used in JAVA why?

Pointers in C are generally the thing that gives learners the most trouble. When C code is not written correctly with respect to pointer use, the resulting bugs can often be very difficult to find and correct. On the other hand, pointers are absolutely necessary in some cases.The designers of Java wanted to make programming easier and hence avoided adding pointers to the language. Java does have object references which accomplish much of what pointers accomplish albeit in a safer way.

What is indirection in c programming?

Example: *(int *)main = 5;

Why does everybody on this website who asks about C programming ask about pointers?

Not everybody asks about pointers, however pointers are a fundamental data type in C and can be difficult to understand when you come from a language that does not support a native pointer type. It is extremely low-level but in higher level languages, such as Java, pointers are abstracted away using references. Moreover, the close relationship between a pointer and an array in C means that it is vital we understand what a pointer is and why we need them.

What are pointers in c programming language?

Pointers are variables that hold the address to a memory location. It makes copying/assignment very efficient, since it eliminates the need for copying entire memory blocks...only the address is copied. This is useful for example for function arguments.

Why pointer is callded jewel of c language?

a pointer is a derived data type in c. pointers are undoubtedly one of the most distinct and exciting features of c has added power and flexibility to the language. *pointers are more efficient in handling arrays and tables. *pointer can be used to support dynamic memory management. *pointers reduce length and complexity of programs. *increase the execution speed and thus reduce the program execution time. by following character's real power of c lies in proper use of pointers. pointer is called the jewel of c-language.

Pointers are include in csharp or not?

Yes, you can use pointers in the C#, but to some extent. Links are added with more details.