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Gross yield of ATP during glycolysis: 4

Net yield of ATP during glycolysis: 2 (anaerobic glycolysis of a glucose molecule took 2 ATP to accomplish so subtract 2 ATP from your gross yield of 4...therefore it's 2 for net yield).

Kreb cycle: produces a total of 2ATP (one each time it happens and it happens twice).

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The net ATP yield per glucose during glycolysis is 2 ATP molecules. This occurs through substrate-level phosphorylation during the conversion of one molecule of glucose to two molecules of pyruvate.

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Q: What is the net ATP yield per glucose during glycolysis?
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How many ATP molecules (net yield) are produced per molecule of glucose during glycolysis?


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What does glycolysis yield to net ATP?

Glycolysis yields a net of 2 ATP molecules per glucose molecule.

In glycolysis what is the ratio of glucose molecules to the net number ATP molecules at the end of the process?

In glycolysis, one glucose molecule produces a net yield of two ATP molecules at the end of the process.

What During glycolysis what is the overall gain of ATP per glucose molecule?

During glycolysis, the overall gain of ATP per glucose molecule is 2. While glycolysis produces 4 ATPs, it uses 2 ATPs in the process.

What is the ATP yield for aerobic respiration anerobic respiration and glycolysis?

Glycolysis: 2 ATP per molecule of glucose Total ATP yield of aerobic respiration (including glycolysis): 36 ATP per molecule of glucose (theoretical, less in reality due to leaking of protons across the mitochondrial inner membrane)

What is the net number of ATP produced in glycolysis?

During glycolysis it makes a net amount of 2 molecules of ATP. Fermentation happens anaerobically (without oxygen) and the reduction of pyruvate into lactate itself does not yield any ATP. But I think the answer you are looking for is 2 ATP.

The difference between aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis is?

Aerobic glycolysis requires oxygen to break down glucose into energy, producing a higher yield of ATP. Anaerobic glycolysis does not require oxygen and produces lactate as a byproduct, leading to a lower yield of ATP. Anaerobic glycolysis is used during intense or short-duration activities when oxygen supply is limited.

What During glycolysis what overall gain of ATP per glucose molecule?

During glycolysis, the overall gain of ATP per glucose molecule is 2. While glycolysis produces 4 ATPs, it uses 2 ATPs in the process.

During glycolysis what is the overall gain of the ATP per glucose molecule?

During glycolysis, the overall gain of ATP per glucose molecule is 2. While glycolysis produces 4 ATPs, it uses 2 ATPs in the process.

What provides the initial energy to break down glucose during glycolysis?

Initially, the energy to break down glucose during glycolysis is provided by the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and inorganic phosphate. This reaction releases energy that drives the early steps of glycolysis.

What statement describes what happens with ATP during glycolysis?

During glycolysis, ATP is both consumed and produced. Two molecules of ATP are consumed in the initial steps of glycolysis to activate the glucose molecule. However, four molecules of ATP are then produced during the later steps, resulting in a net gain of two ATP molecules per glucose molecule metabolized.