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The net force would be two Newtons.

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Q: What is the net force on the object if two of four newton's act on it?
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If a force of 5 N to the left and a force of 9 N to the right act on an object what is the net force?

The net force is 4 N to the right (9 N - 5 N = 4 N).

What is the principle of newtons third law of motion?

Newton's Third Law states that if an object "A" acts on an object "B" with a certain force, then object "B" will act on object "A" with the same force (but in the opposite direction).

Two forces act on the same object. One force is pushing due east with a force of 6 newtons and the other is pushing due north at 8 newtons. What is the resulting force?

10 newtons NE. a little more north than east

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If we have a force acting on a body and we know what that force is, and we also know that the force is gravity, we can solve because we know the force gravity exerts on a mass. If we take the total force acting on the body and divide it by the force of gravity per one unit of mass, we can find the number of units of mass that cause gravity to act on the object. We have 1033 Newtons of force acting on the object. Gravity pulls down with a force of 9.8 Newtons on 1 kilogram of mass. Our 1033 Newtons divided by 9.8 Newtons per kilogram = 105.41 kilograms

What will happen to an object at rest if no unbalanced forced act on it according to Newtons First Law?

An object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will continue to move with a constant velocity in a straight line if no unbalanced forces act on it, according to Newton's First Law of Motion.

When forces act in opposite direction?

When two equal forces act in opposite directions, they are called balanced forces, and no motion takes place. If they are unequal, than the weakest force is cancelled out, along with an equal amount of the strongest force. For example, if an object is being pushed on opposite sides with 7 and 10 newtons of force, then the 7 newton force will be entirely cancelled out, along with 7 newtons of the 10 newton force. This will leave a net force of 3 newtons acting on the object. If there is a net force (also called an unbalanced force), then motion will take place.

What kinds of forces can act on an object?

Normal force can act on an object

A force is needed to change the motion of an object?

Yes, an unbalanced force is needed to change the motion of an object.If an unbalanced force does not act on an object it will continue to maintain its state of motion (either in motion or at rest), not considering the effect of frictional force. This is basically Newtons first law of motion.

Are net forces and unbalanced forces the same thing?

Yes, net forces and unbalanced forces refer to the same concept in physics. They both describe the overall force acting on an object, which is the vector sum of all forces acting upon it. When the net force is not zero, the object will accelerate in the direction of the net force.

Which of these best describes newtons third law of motion?

Newton's third law of motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that any force exerted by one object on another will result in an equal force in the opposite direction, according to the principle of action and reaction.

How does buoyant force act on an object?

The buoyant force acts in an upward direction on an object immersed in a fluid. It is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. If the buoyant force is greater than the object's weight, the object will float; if it is less, the object will sink.

If 2 force act on the object in the same or opposite directions what willbe the net force of the object in 2 cases?

There is no net force OF the object. If the forces act in the same direction, the net force is magnitude of the net force is the sum of the forces and acts in the same direction. If the forces act in opposite directions, the magnitude of the net force will be the difference between their magnitudes and it will act in the direction of the larger of the two forces.