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Q: What is the network of infected computers?
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Computer virus has infected a LAN network what are the treatments for it?

Run a good antivirus and also install a firewall on each of the computers

What ratio of computers get viruses?

9 infected:10 computers

Which termonology referes to the arrangement of computers in a network?

The arrangement of computers in a network is known as Network topology.

What is a group of computers is called?

A group of computers might form a network, but this is not necessarily the case. There is no commonly used collective noun for computers.

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What is created when one computer is connected to other computers?

Two or more computers connected together create a computer network. Computers within a network can interchange data.

What are zombie computers and how can they affect network?

Zombie computers are any system attached to a network that silently (unannounced to the user) perform tasks on the network to reach a predetermined goal. A computer system can become a zombie computer by being infected via a network transferable source such as via email, or via a local source delivered from a flash drive or other external source. It is most common for each zombie computer to be performing a small portion of the larger goal, and be part of a larger group of zombie computers that are all working together for the same purpose. This way, if one zombie computer is brought offline, the goal can still be reached. It also ensures that each infected system is not diverting a great deal of resources to the zombie process, which helps to ensure the zombie node is not detected and repaired. Network consequences are dependent on what the task is that the zombie collective is working on, and how many zombie nodes are contributing vs the scale of the network they sit on. For example, if 10 systems on a network of 10,000 systems are infected, the likelihood of the network being bogged down by the zombie traffic is minimal. However, it also depends on whether the goal the zombie collective is trying to achieve is targeting the local network they are on, or something outside the network on the internet, as 10 computers working to overload a local server, may achieve some results, while 10 computers trying to overload Google for instance would have little effect.

If a network computer was attacked and infected is it necessary to do a total software reinstallation?

If a network computer was attacked and infected, is it necessary to do a total software reinstallation?

Do all computers have network and internet?

Not all - although most 'modern' computers do. Modern computers tend to be supplied with either an 'on-board' network adaptor or network card plugged into one of the slots on the motherboard. Older computers came without a network card, and needed additional hardware to connect to a network.

What is network relationship?

It is the relation between computers in network.

What is a shared network?

That is a printer that is accessible to computers in a network

What is network sharing?

That is a printer that is accessible to computers in a network