

What is the next Call of Duty theme going to be?

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Vergie Moen

Lvl 10
4y ago

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Call of Duty Black Opps

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Q: What is the next Call of Duty theme going to be?
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No the next Call of Duty will be Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 released on November 8 2011 and will not be in space

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Not at this time. The next game in the series was named call of duty ghosts.

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Call of Duty modern warfare 3

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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 will probably be released in November 2011.

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There is no such thing mate the next call of duty is set for release in November and is called modern warfare 3

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Yes , it will be called call of duty black ops

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probably in the next one not mode warfare as they do special ops

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What is going to be the next Call of Duty?

Modern Warfare 3 Just Came Out But Black Ops 2 Or Call of Duty Lone Wolf.

What call of duty is after call of duty black ops 2?

call of duty ghosts is the next upcoming call of duty which will release on 5th november 2013