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Q: What is the ng ml cut off for a THC test at lab corp?
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Drug tests have standard cut off concentration for detection for each drug and drug test, one reason is to avoid false positive results from second hand smoke, incidental ingestion, etc... for example .. standard THC (major marijuana metabolite) cut off for urine drug test is: most home test kits/ lab initial screen or immunoassay test - 50ng/ml (50 nano grams THC per 1 milliliter urine) and 15ng/ml at the Lab confirmation test usually GC/MS (gas chromatography - mass spectrometry ). Confirmation test is applied to samples that test positive during the initial test .. So concentration of thc above this cut off make test positive for thc.

Can acetaphetimine cause a positive drug test?

There was a time where it would for thc, but anymore it won't. And even if it does on an instant test a follow up lab test will determine it isn't thc.

Does lab corp typically test hair follicles when performing a drug test?

No, they typically use blood tests.

Is 2 weeks long enough to get THC out of your system?

It all depends on your metabolism and usage. You can buy a self test kit and check it out. I think you can buy them at the pharmacy. Just a small note, if you are going to be tested, know that there are two kinds of urine tests, instant & lab and their cut-offs are not the same. For an instant test, the cut-off is 50ng, but for the lab it is 15ng. So Just because you pass a instant test, doesn't mean you would pass a lab test.

Can smoking K2 show in a 4 panal drug test?

No K2 does not show up in a drug test. I believe that there is only one lab that can test for it and the test is pretty expensive. K2 uses synthetic THC to mimic real THC.

What lab is better Quest or Lab Corp?

Meth Lab.

Will synthetic THC show up in a lab drug test?

Yes. I an guessing you mean Hash or something similar by saying synthetic marijuana. A marijuana drug test is looking for the metabolite of THC. So if the drug has THC in it, which is what gets you high in marijuana, then it will show up in a drug test.

If you pass an at home drug test with a cutoff level of 50 ng ml will you pass a lab test for THC?

Most lab based urinalysis tests share the 50 ng ml cutoff tolerance that the home test kits have. For specific tolerances to each lab you will have to contact that specific laboratory and ask them what tolerance they can measure to.

Will naproxin show as THC?

Should Not as they are totally different molecules. If you test positive on anything request a retest as there is always a chance of lab error

Can naproxen show as anything on a urine analysis?

Naproxen can show as THC on a screening test. If they send it to a lab with a confirmation machine, they can tell the difference there.

In a urine drug test what is the cut-off level to pass?

THC(tetrahydrocannabinol) at 50ng/ml"?Source: Erowid?Home drug test and Lab Initial Test (IMMUNOASSAY)- 50 ng/mlLab Confirming Test (GC / MS)- 15ng/mlBut military and some Lab -30ng/ml or less

What can you buy to quickly clean your system of THC?

Depends on lab n how they test ---- time is the best answer try to put test off 2-3 weeks n no toking!! Lol