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The element (noble gas) Krypton

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Q: What is the noble gas that has the same Lewis structure as Se2?
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What noble gas has the same Lewis structure as Se2-?

Krypton and Selenide ion have 36 electrons and are isoelectronic

What noble gas is isoelectronic with the selenium?

None. The Se2- ion is isoelectronic with Krypton.

Which ion has the largest radius Se2- As3-?

Se2- is incorrect the answer is As 3-

What would have to gain two electrons in order to achieve the same number of electrons as a noble gas O or Sr or Na or Se or Br?

Oxygen, O ,and selenium Se. O (oxygen) would have to gain two electrons in order to achieve the same number of electrons as Ne (neon, a noble gas). Selenium would gain two to achieve the same number of electrons as Kr, krypton (noble gas). They would form the oxide, O2- and selenide Se2- ions

What is the formula for selenide?


HOW DO YOU name Se2?


What is the ion symbol for selenide?

A selenide contain the anion Se(2-).

How many ion atom are formed in selenium?

The oxidation states of selenium are: -2, +2, +4, +6.

Place the following atoms or ions in order of increasing radius O O2- S2- and Se2-?

O, O2-, S2-, and Se2-O is smaller than O2- because O2- has 2 extra electrons but the same amount of protons as O, so they are held less tightly and the atom is bigger. Atom size increases as you move down the periodic table, so O2- < S2- < Se2-.

What is the chemical formula for selenide?

Formula: Se2-

What has a pseudo-noble-gas electron configuration?

The pseudo noble-gas electron configuration has the outer three orbitals filled, the s, p and d- s2p6d10 (18 electrons total) and so is fairly stable. Elements that attain this electron configuration are at the right side of the transition metals (d-block). Br-, I-, Se2-

What is the electron configuration of selenium 2 ion?

Se2- 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p6