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Q: What is the non verbal message of tapping the feet?
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What are incongruities?

Incongruent message occurs when your verbal communication doesn't match your non-verbal communication.

What is the meaning of credibility in non-verbal message in communication?

No, its a fish

What are incongruent messages?

Incongruent message occurs when your verbal communication doesn't match your non-verbal communication.

Is the telephone verbal or non verbal?

the telephone is both verbal and non verbal because u can speak to the person and u can hear there voice and also because u can message someone and u are not speaking to them.

Is signs a verbal or non verbal?

Well sign language is a verbal becuase verbal mean to send message and you are sending language to one and another. so..... sign language is a verbal

What are the importances of verbal and non-verbal communications in organizations?

In any kind of communication the message is received and processed based on:Words 7%Tone 38%Non-Verbal (body language) 55%

How might an email message contain non verbal communication?

non verbal communication is without words being spoken such as texting,email, and answers on

Difference between verbal and non-verbal communication?

verbal communication is when you talk to someone. Non-verbal communication is when a message is imparted without words. For example, when something is implied through body language.

If there is a contradiction between the verbal and non verbal components of a speakers meaagae which component is a listener likely to accept as the true message?

Listeners are more likely to believe the non-verbal component of a speaker's message when there is a contradiction with the verbal component. Non-verbal cues, such as body language and tone of voice, are often considered more reliable indicators of a person's true feelings or intentions.

What is the role of nonverbal communication in a press conference?

Non Verbal Communication plays a huge role not only in press conferences but also while speaking to individual at times. However, Non Verbal Communication cues can play 5 roles: (1) They may underline the verbal message, (2) They is inappropriate may create contradictions with the message that one is trying to convey., (3) They may be used to substitute the verbal message., (4) They may add value or complement to the verbal message in appropriately used., (5) They may help emphasize the verbal message loud & clear. Probably that's why it's said "Action Speak Louder than words". The smallest mistake in non verbal cues may be an issue if not taken into consideration.

Is non-verbal communication important in itself or does it just help in the communication process?

Non-verbal communication is important in itself as it can convey emotions, attitudes, and intentions without using words. It complements verbal communication and can often provide additional meaning to the message being conveyed. Non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, gestures, and body language can significantly impact how a message is understood and received.

What is the difference between non verbal and verbal communication and give examples?

verbal is speaking communication but non verbal is non speaking communication like verbal is speech and non verbal is news paper