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Q: What is the normal apex beat?
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What is the normal apex beat for a new born?

100 - 160 beats per minute

What is used to record an apex beat?

Nurses use a stethoscope. They document the apex beat in red and the radial beat in blue.

What side of the body does the apex of the heart point to?

The apex beat, also called the point of maximum impulse (PMI), is the furthermost point outwards (laterally) and downwards (inferiorly) from the sternum at which the cardiac impulse can be felt. The cardiac impulse is the result of the heart rotating, moving forward and striking against the chest wall during systoleIdentificationThe normal apex beat can be palpated in the precordium left 5th intercostal space, at the point of intersection with the left midclavicular line. In children the apex beat occurs in the fourth rib interspace medial to the nipple. The apex beat may also be found at abnormal locations; in many cases of dextrocardia, the apex beat may be felt on the right side.

What style of reggae is characterized by emphasizing the third beat of the bar and de emphasizing the first beat of the bar?

One Drop (apex)

Why does the location of your heart's apex have a beat?

The apex beat or the point of maximum impulse (PMI), is the furthermost point outwards and downwards from the sternum at which the cardiac impulse can be felt. It beats because the heart is beating and that is the point at which the beat can be felt.

What is the pulse rate checked at the apex of the heart called?

You don't take a pulse rate from there - anyone feeling your apex beat was probably looking at the quality ofthe beat itself!

How much range of apex beat can give tab digoxin?

160 beat per minutes and above

With respect to drums the first beat of the measure in the one drop style is what?

empty (apex) Cookie

What is bigeminy?

Bigeminy is an abnormal heart rhythm where every other beat is abnormal. This can be an abnormal atrial beat (atrial bigeminy), a beat arising from the AV junction or bundle of His (junctional bigeminy), or a ventricular beat (ventricular bigeminy). The pattern is as such: Normal beat... abnormal beat... normal beat.... abnormal beat... normal beat... abnormal beat... repeat.

Is it normal to see a heartbeat in your stomach?

yes, this is normal. sometimes your heart beat is so strong or that your body is very still that you can feel the beat.

What is the normal values of hgt in infant?

what is normal heart beat rate of infant

In Halo 3 I am in the middle of campaign on normal but it says that I only beat it on easy and that I am not in the middle of normal How do I fix this?

It's not a problem, it just shows that you beat the campaign on easy. Once you complete the campaign on normal, it will show you have beaten it on normal.