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Q: What is the normal balance for other accrued expenses?
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Do accrued expense accounts have debit balance?

accrued expense has debit balance like all other expenses.

What the difference between prepaid and accrued expense?

A prepaid expense is an expense you pay before you have incurred an obligation to pay it. Paying three months rent in advance is an example. Prepaid expenses are viewed as an asset on the balance sheet which is reduced as the expense is incurred. For example, every month in which rent falls due would be a reduction of your prepaid rent asset and a recognition of an expense equal to the amount of the reduction. Accrued expenses, on the other hand, are essentially the opposite. For example, assume you didn't prepay your rent. As the rent expense is incurred, a liability is created. After you actually make your payment, the liability is reduced by the amount of your payment.

How do you catagorize the pre-operative expenses?

Pre operative expenses are categorized as preliminary expenses and shown as other assets in balance sheet and amortized over period.

Is preliminary expenses is a administrative expenses or selling expenses?

Preliminary expenses are neither administrative expenses nor selling expenses rather these are classified as other assets in balance sheet and amortized over period of life of business.

Where does travel go on income statement?

Travel expenses are expenses as all other normal business expenses and as all other business expenses are part of income statement traveling expenses are also part of income statement.

Is premises debit or cedit?

Premises are business assets so same like all other assets premises balance is debit balance as normal balance.

How do you treate preliminary expenses?

Preliminary expenses are those expenses which incurred before start of actual operations so these are assets of business and shown in asset side of balance sheet as other assets and then amortized over period of time through income statement.

Does paid-in-capital carry a debit or credit balance?

Paid in capital is the liability for business and like all other liabilities it also has credit balance as normal balance

Is premises a debit or credit?

Premises is an asset for business and like all other assets of business which has debit balance as normal default balance it also has debit balance.

When all cash expenses and incomes are booked and at the end of the year cash is showing debit balance what is the meaning whether cash is with us and balance to deposit in bank or any other meaning?

1,000 and 100.50

What is difference between a trial balance and a balance sheet?

Traditionally, in the double entry accounting system, a trial balance is a simple summary of all the accounts of a business including income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and equity. A balance sheet, on the other hand, is a formally organized summary of assets, liabilities, and equity only. (Or what it's got and what it owes.) And to complete the picture then, an income statement is a formally organized summary of income and expenses. (Or what it earned and what it spent.)

What are the differences between capital reserves and revenue reserves?

capital reserve is a type of account on a company's balance sheet that is reserved for longterm capital investment projects or any other large expenses that will be incurred in the future. capital reserve is a type of account on a company's balance sheet that is reserved for longterm capital investment projects or any other large expenses that will be incurred in the future.