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Q: What is the normal body saturation?
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Recent sleeping oxygen saturation level was 81 Is this normal what can cause this?

Normal oxygen saturation levels vary slightly depending on age and activity. A blood oxygen level of less than 90 percent is considered abnormal. The organs in the body need a continuous supply of oxygen to function properly. If oxygen saturation levels in the body become too low, various problems can develop. When oxygen saturation is too low it is called Hypoxemia.

What is the approximate percent saturation of hemoglobin by oxygen in normal arterial blood?

The saturation should be above 90% in normal arterial blood. A totally healthy person will have 95-100% saturation.

What instrument measures the body's oxygen saturation with a small clip?

A pulse oximeter measures the body's oxygen saturation with a small clip.

What is normal oxygen saturation in older person?

Over 90%

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What does a mixed venous blood gas sample drawn from pulmonary artery of 35 indicate?

It depends if the 35 is oxygen 35 mmHg or 35% oxygen saturation. Most likely you mean 35 mmgHg, correlating to a oxygen saturation about 65%, which is around normal. This blood has the lowest oxygen content in the body system. A 35% saturation though is clearly abnormal most likely indicates the body is not getting adequate oxygen.

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weight and saturation.

Normal oxygen saturation for a 14 yr old male?


What is the normal oxygen level for a 64 yr old female?

97% is the normal oxygen saturation.

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What is normal saturation?

"Oxygen saturation" refers to the fraction of hemoglobin that is saturated by oxygen. It is related to the partial pressure of oxygen in the inspired air and, therefore, to altitude. Normal oxygen saturation in an otherwise healthy individual at sea level is > 95%. Low oxygen saturations can be found in a wide variety of lung diseases.

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