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About 99 degrees (37 deg C )

but 2 degrees F ( 1 deg C ) variation is O.K.

More than that see a doc.

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Q: What is the normal body temperature for 2 days old baby girl?
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Is 34.3 celsius good body temperature?

You need to see your doctor if your temperature is consistently 35 C. Are you experiencing any weight gain, mental sluggishness, constipation, depression, lack of energy? If so, you may want to have a complete check of your thyroid function... The normal temperature is 37 C or 98.6 F. If it is not your thyroid, it could be something need a diagnostician you trust.

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The normal surface temperature of the sun is 5778 K (5505° C, 9941° F), except on cloudy days.

Fast way to get p pregnant?

If you are trying to get pregnant, the best way of estimating your most fertile days is by taking your basal body temperature. Your basal body temperature is your body's resting temperature when you wake up in the morning. You will need to purchase a basal body temperature thermometer, which are available from most drug stores.

Do baby birds have the same body as their parent?

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What causes low body temperature after fever?

I had a fever for a about 5 days and started on antibiotics. Now my temperature can go down to 35,5-36,0 C (normal is usually 36,6 C). After asking a doctor, it seems to be normal because the body tries to adjust after a long fever and the temperature of the body can sway a bit. I was told it's normal and it's nothing to be alarmed about. Just drink warm liquids if you feel cold because of this. It will raise the temperature up again. This swaying of body heat can last up to about two weeks. But if you still feel frightened you can always call a doctor to calm you down. Hope this helps. For everyone whose feeling ill, get well soon!