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Q: What is the nosotros form of ver?
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What is ir in the nosotros form?

Nosotros vamos.

What is the nosotros form of ser?

Quite possibly you mean the nosotros form of ser. The other way doesn't work because there is no ser form of nosotros. The nosotros form of ser is somos.

What is the forms of ser?

Quite possibly you mean the nosotros form of ser. The other way doesn't work because there is no ser form of nosotros. The nosotros form of ser is somos.

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What is the 'we' form of the Spanish verb 'conocer'?

The 'We' form (known as the 'Nosotros' form in Spanish) for Conocer is "Conocemos".

What does preparamos mean in spanish?

"to prepare" in the nosotros form (we prepare)

What is the nosotros form of the verb dormir in the present tense?

The nosotros form of the verb "dormir" in the present tense is "dormimos," which means "we sleep."

Is nosotros escuchamos musica correct?

Yes, that's correct. It is in the form of they.

What are the spanish forms of ver?

Yo voy Tu vas El/Ella/Usted va Nosotros/nosotras vamos Vosotros/vosotras vais ellos/ellas/ustedes van

How do you say we read in spanish?

To read = leer Conjugated in the nosotros form: Leemos

What form of the Spanish verb 'fascinar' fills the gap between 'A nosotros nos' and 'la clase de español'?

The correct form of the verb, for nosotros and present tense, is "fascina". Past tense is fascinó, future is fascinará.

What does nosotros estudiamos ingles en la universidad mean?

"Nosotros estudiamos inglés en la universidad" means "we study English at the university." The "nosotros" is not necessary in this case, because the form of the verb already implies "we study". It can be added for emphasis or clarity.