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copper hydroxide and hydronium

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Q: What is the not chemical name of cuoh and h3o?
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The formula for hydronium ions is?

The chemical formula of hydronium is H3O +.

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The name is "Copper 2 hydroxide"


* CO2 is the chemical formula of carbon dioxide.* H2O is the chemical formula of water.* H2CO3 is the chemical formula of carbonic acid.* HCO3- is the chemical formula of the anion bicarbonate (the correct name is hydrogen carbonate)* H3O+ is the chemical formula of the cation hydronium

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Equation: H2CrO4 + H2O <=> H3O+ + HCrO4- <=> H3O+ + CrO42-

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No. A hydrocarbon has carbon in it but CuOH (copper hydroxide) has copper, oxygen, and hydrogen but no carbon.

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What is the chemical formula for nitrogen and hydronium?

Nitrogen is simply N and hydronium is H3O+

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What is the formula unit for H3O?

The simple answer is that the formula unit of H3O+ isH3O+.H3O+ is a polyatomic ion (called hydronium and formed from water in an acidic solution; the more H3O+, the more acidic the solution). Formula unit is the simplest ratio of atoms in a chemical compound that still gives the same compound. You can't make the formula any simpler than H3O+ and still have a hydronium ion.