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Paleontologist is a noun (a person). The related noun is Paleontology (a science).

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Q: What is the noun for the word paleontologist?
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Related questions

What part of speech is paleontologist?

Paleontologist is a noun. It refers to a scientist who studies fossils and ancient life forms.

How many syllables are in the word paleontologist?

There are five syllables in the word "paleontologist."

What is the Afrikaans word for paleontologist?

The Afrikaans word for paleontologist is "paleontoloog."

How do you use the word paleontologist in a sentence?

Ex: The paleontologist carefully brushed dust off of an ancient fossil.

Is paeleontologist a word?

No. The correct spelling is paleontologist.

How do you use palaeontologist in a sentence?

A paleontologist is someone who studies prehistoric life. To use the word paleontologist in a sentence you could say, "The paleontologist examined the dinosaur bones to determine how old they are."

What does the word paleontologist?

A scientist who observes bones and earth

What is a short word that rhymes with Paleontologist?

Biologist Ecologist

In the sentence The paleontologist seems excited by the stone does the verb link to a predicate noun or predicate adjective?


What is meant by the word paleontologist?

A paleontologist is a scientist whose specific area of expertise is the study of pre-historic life. Much of a paleontologist's work involves the examination of fossils in order to determine possible causes for the natural evidence available to them.

A scientist who studies fossils?


What is a person who studies dinosaurs called?

A paleontologist A person who studies dinosaurs is called a paleontologist (pay-lee-yon-TOH-luh-jist) paleontologist is the word for someone who studies fossils. i dont think there is a specific word for someone who focuses o dinosaurs though Anyone who studies prehistoric life is called a Palaeontologist or Paleontologist (American spelling) A more informal term for someone who specifically studies dinosaurs is a Dinosaurologist. Modern day birds are are theropod dinosaurs. So anyone who studies birds is an ornithologist.