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The word 'aromatic' is a noun, a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a substance or plant emitting a pleasant and distinctive smell.

The word 'aromatic' is also the adjective form for the noun aroma.

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12y ago

Aroma; the definition of "aromitic" is having an aroma or fragrance

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3y ago
i need the BASE WORD not the definition

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Q: What is the noun of aromatic?
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Is cyclohexanone an aromatic compound?

No, cyclohexanol is not an aromatic compound since it does not exhibit aromatic resonance stabilization (like benzene). Refer to Hückel's rule for clarification of the definition of an aromatic compound.

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No, n-hexane is an aliphatic hydrocarbon - not aromatic.

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Is methanol an aromatic hydrocarbon?

Yes. It is a polycyclic aromatic. A white solid, it consists of two benzene rings "fused" together, sharing two carbon atoms. It has a formula of C10H8. It has a distinctive smell, and is traditionally used as "mothballs".

How can you use the word aromatic in a sentence?

aromatic substances harm human health. aromatic sprays change the smell of atmosphere.

Why anti aromatic or non aromatic systems or compounds are unstable?

Anti-aromatic and non-aromatic systems are unstable because they do not exhibit the stability associated with aromatic compounds. In anti-aromatic systems, the cyclic conjugated system is destabilized due to increased electron repulsion, leading to higher energy states. Non-aromatic systems lack the resonance stabilization and planar geometry characteristic of aromatic compounds, making them less stable.

What are the Properties of aromatic aldehyde?

Aromatic aldehydes are generally fragrant compounds with a distinct and pleasant odor. They are often used in perfumes and flavorings due to their aromatic properties. Aromatic aldehydes also have a carbonyl group attached to an aromatic ring, giving them both aldehyde and aromatic characteristics.

Is benzaldehyde an aromatic hydrocarbon?

No, benzaldehyde is not an aromatic hydrocarbon. It is an aromatic aldehyde with the chemical formula C6H5CHO. Aromatic hydrocarbons are compounds that contain one or more benzene rings. Benzaldehyde contains a benzene ring but also has a functional aldehyde group, making it an aromatic aldehyde.

What an aromatic compound?

An aromatic compound is a compound in organic chemistry which exhibits aromaticity.