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The noun forms of the verb to fascinate are fascinationand the gerund, fascinating.

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Rachel Erdman

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2y ago
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11y ago

The noun form of fascinating is fascination.

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Related questions

What is the noun form fascinating?

The noun forms of the verb to fascinate are fascinationand the gerund, fascinating.

What is the abstract noun for fascinating?

The word fascinating is the present participle, present tense of the verb to fascinate.The abstract noun forms for the verb to fascinate are fascination and the gerund, fascinating.

What kind of noun is fascinated?

The word fascinated is not a noun; fascinated is the past participle, past tense of the verb to fascinate (fascinates, fascinating, fascinated). The past participle is also an adjective (The fascinated audience didn't make a sound.)The noun forms for the verb to fascinate are fascinator and the gerund (verbal noun) fascinating.Another noun form is fascination.

What is the adjective of fascinate?

The word 'fascinating' is the present participle, present tense of the verb to fascinate.The present participle of the verb also functions as an adjective and a gerund, a verbal noun.The gerund 'fascinating' is an abstract noun as a word for a concept.Examples:The new microscope is fascinating the second graders. (verb)That is a fascinating idea. (adjective)The author has a knack for fascinating her readers. (noun, object of the preposition 'for')

Is fascinate a word?

You fascinate me with this question! (Of course it is!)

How do you use fascinate?

To fascinate means to enthrall. Here are some sentences.The shiny necklace should fascinate the baby.I found that a moving string will fascinate a kitten.The sound of a good orchestra will fascinate a music lover.

What is a good sentence for fascinate?

The dog i walked was fascinate

Is fascinate a verb?

Yes, the word fascinate is a verb.

What is the past tense of fascinate?

Fascinated is the past tense of fascinate.

How do you use 'fascinate' in a sentence?

My dog always tries to fascinate me.My friend tried to fascinate me by doing a magic trick.

What does the word fascinate mean?

Fascinate means to awe someone with an interest. Example: Birds fascinate me because of their exquisite feathers.

How do you use fascinate in a sentence?

The call of the loon never fails to fascinate me. The lure of the sea continues to fascinate men the world over.