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Q: What is the number of vibrations a wave goes through in a given time?
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the vibrations from your lips travel through the trumpet and get magnified, then they exit through the bell.

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When you blow through the reed it vibrates and goes through each hole and the bell. The more keys covered the lower the noise is.

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Sound waves travel through the air and when it goes into your ear, the eardrum transforms the sounds into vibrations that go through the ossicles (malleus, incus, and stapes bones) and then you hear stuff.

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If you are given a plane, you can always find and number of points that are not in that plane but, given anythree points there is always at least one plane that goes through all three.

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The HCF of the given numbers is 25

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The HCF of the given numbers is 1

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The HCF of the given two numbers is 9

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The HCF of the given numbers is 1

What properties of sound is determined by the speed of the vibrations creating the sound?

All properties such as a as liquid, solid, or a gas. All sound goes through a medium of a solid, liquid or a gas.

How do you find a line that goes through a given point?

You need either a point and the slope of the line or two points. Then you use the point slope form of the line or the slope intercept form to write the lines.A given point has an infinite number of lines going through it, that is why you need more information.

How a tennis damper can reduce the vibration?

It is the shock absorber at the bottom of the racket strings. Rubber bands have been used, gel shocks, rubber shocks. They dampen the vibrations caused after you hit a ball

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The HCF of the given two numbers is 4