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Q: What is the number of vibrations of sound per scond a dog can hear?
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How does someone hear a sound?

sound waves and vibrations

Can a cell hear sound?

Sound is nothing but vibrations being traversed in a material medium. These vibrations may be sensed by cells. If you consider this sensation as hearing then we can declare that cells could hear sound.

Why do dogs hear better than people?

they are more keen and can hear the vibrations from the sound.

How do millipedes sound?

No, they do not hear with eardrums, but in fact "hear" with their legs by detecting vibrations.

What does the outer ear?

The outer ear helps funnel sound (vibrations) into the inner ear, increasing the number of quieter things you can hear.

How do you hear the sound coming from a drum?

Through sound waves travelling as vibrations through the air.

How do bees hear?

Bees don't have ears, so don't hear sound in the way we do. However they are sensitive to vibrations through their legs, and their antennae are sensitive to vibrations as well.

Where might you expect to hear no sound?

in a vacume or somewhere when no vibrations can reach In your grave.

Why does sound need air?

Sound needs air because sound is the traveling of vibrations from one atom to another atom. In the vacuum of space, there are no gas particles or atoms for vibrations to travel through, which means there is no sound. Air has atoms in it (oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen atoms for the most part) that vibrations can travel through so we can hear sound so we do not have to press our ears to every object to hear its sound.

Does your voice sound exactly the way you hear it?

No, when you sing your also hearing the vibrations from your throat which nobody else can hear

How can the snake hear without having ears?

Snakes really don't "hear". Sound waves produce vibrations (like when you hear loud music and the air seems to shake), and snakes can pick up on these vibrations.

What makes a sound and how do you hear it?

sound waves, your eardrum picks up these vibrations and transforms them into messages which your brain recieves