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Q: What is the number one reason kids chronically miss school?
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Why do kids in school need clothes?

its the reason you think it is.

Why kids skip school for no reason?

they've become rebels.

What is a reason for kids to bring phones to school?

Kids usually bring their phone to school, because if their parents are late they can call them to see where they are!

Why should kids be able to leave school for lunch?

Because some kids are able to do this, they should be allowed as long as they come and leave with in times designated by the school district there is no reason kids shouldn't be able to leave school for lunch.

Why do kids enjoy school?

Kids have friends to talk to during class. Don't get me wrong because some kids do like to go to school to learn new things, but most kids like to go because of my first reason.

When can a child with Roseola go back to school?

Just read on Dr that there is no reason to exclude kids with roseola from school.

What is the number 1 reason kids use alcohol?

To change the way they feel.

Would kids not drop out of school if they had shorter school days?

Kids either understand the value of school, or are at least willing to go through the motions of attending school, or they don't. Shorter days would have no effect on the number of kids who drop out.

Should kids be kept in diapers through high school?

Unless there is a medical reason why this would be necessary, no.

Why do kids fall asleep in school?

there are so many reasons to why kids fall asleep in school!! One reason is that many teachers don't make the lessons fun and keep kids awake. Another reason is that the kids don't take part in group disscutions. Also, some kids go to sleep so late that they can't concentrate in the mornings.Here are some things for kids to do:PINCH YOURSELF just stay awake@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

What does Holden think is the reason the school feeds them steaks on Saturday night?

so when all the kids parents vists them they think that there kids are eating like that everyday

What is Wren Hollow Elementary School's motto?

The motto of Wren Hollow Elementary School is 'Our Kids Are Number One'.