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Moisture. Hurricanes are effectively massive rotating rain storms.

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Q: What is the number one thing of a hurricane need to form?
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What are five things that cause a hurricane to form?

what are the five events that need to take place for a hurricane to form

What two things does a hurricane need to form and gain strength?

wind and the sun

What makes hurricane photos different than tornado photos?

You can photograph a whole tornado form a camera on the ground. To photograph a whole hurricane you need to have your camera located in space.

Why does a hurricane need hot moisture?

Warm, moist air holds large amounts of energy in the form of latent heat. This energy is released when the moisture condenses into clouds and precipitation. This is what powers a hurricane.

Does a hurricane need to be 74mph to be a hurricane?

Yes, hurricane force winds are defined as 74 mph or higher.

Why do you need symbols?

To express same thing in short form.

Why you need symbol?

To express same thing in short form.

What is the Number One Thing humans need in space?

Well, in space their is no air, so we obviously air is the number on thing humans would need in space.

What does a hurricane need to strengthen?

For a Hurricane to strengthen it needs tropical,warm water!

Why do you need a hurricane kit?

So that you are more safe and that you have food (etc) if a hurricane is to hit

What are the dangers during a hurricane and after a hurricane?

In a hurricane loads of items will be blown over and you may need to be evacuated. After a hurricane you should be aware of thick blasts of wind after wards.

You record the sea temperature to be 28C the humidity to be very high and a very light breeze. Do you expect a hurricane to form in these conditions Please Explain why or why not.?

No, a hurricane would not form in those conditions. There is not enough breeze to do so, but all of the other factors are favorable for a hurricane to form. The sea temperature has to be about 26oC and the sea temperature is 28oC. Also, the air has to be moist because hurricanes produce lots of precipitation, and it says that the humidity is very high. But, you would also need to know where the location is because a hurricane forms between 8o and 20o of the Equator.