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Q: What is the numeric factor of the variable or variables in a monomial?
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Why is a constant a monomial?

"Why is a constant a monomial?"The short answer is because a constant is a special typeof monomial.The reason for this is that the definition of a monomial reads: A monomial is"An expression that is eithera numeral (= a numerical expression which names a particular number, IE a constant),a variable,or a product of a numeral and one or more variables.""constant (monomial): A monomial consisting of a numeral only; a term with no variable factor. "

What does it mean to factor a monomial?

A number, a variable, or a product of a number and one or more variables. Ex: 3xy,x, and 14 are monomials.

What is the degree of a variable in a monomial?

The number of times that the variable occurs as a factor in the monomial. In other words, the exponent of the variable, e.g., x² - x + 6 is 2nd degree.

What are the 3 variables in science?

dependent variable; this is the factor in a experiment that when manipulated by independent variables it changes. it is also known as a controlled variable independent variables or manipulated variable; the factor in a experiment that is deliberately manipulated responding variable; the factor you have to measure to get the results or you will not know the value of the variable

What are the steps in finding the common monomial factor?

It is similar to finding the greatest common factor only you may have variables involved, so you may factor a constant and variable(s) which all terms are divisible by, for example: The common monomial factor in the following: 5x^2+5x would be 5x because both terms are divisible by 5 and x. 5x (x+1). Just find the constant and variable all terms are divisible by and then the product of those is your common monomial factor.

A factor that changes during an experiment?

if any factor in an experiment changes, you have a brand new experiment. -A factor in an experiment that can change is known as a variable.

Factor in an experiment that changes as a result of other factors changing?

A factor in an experiment that can change is called a variable. Variables are used in experiments to test a hypothesis, and someone will manipulate the variable, while keeping something else the same, a control, in order to see how the variables react in comparison with a control.

What is the factor that depends on the value of the other variables?

dependent variable

What type of variable is a factor held constant to test the relative impact of the independent variable?

independent variables :):):):):):):):):):):):)

What is respondent variables?

a factor that may change according to the manipulated variable

What is an experimental variable?

A variable whose values are independent of changes in the values of other variables. The factor you are testing.

What is a numeric factor?

A factor is a number that multiplies to create a product. Since 3 x 4 = 12, 3 and 4 are factors of 12.