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lymph node

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Q: What is the only lymphatic organ with afferent vessels?
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What vessel does the lymph exit through?

A lymph vessel. They are similar in function to blood vessels. However the lymph is moved along the vessel by muscle contractions rather than by the heart pumping.

Identify the smallest lymphatic structure that drains excess?

Afferent lymphaticvesselthe only one that drain the excess fluid from the body to the lymph node. So, it's the smallest lymphatic structure.

Where does lymph return to the blood stream?

Lymph vessels carry the lymph fluid back to the circulaiton via the lymph nodes. The short parts of the vessels that connect hte lymph vessels to the ciculaiton are the lymphatic ducts (right lymphatic duct and thoracic duct)

What are located inside the lymph vessels to ensure that the flow of lymph is in the correct direction?

Valves are located in lymphatic vessels and ensure the flow of lymph only goes one way.

Which vascular tissue only allows for one-way flow of materials?

Lymphatic vessels are the vascular tissue that only allows for one-way flow of materials.

What functions do organs in the lymphatic system have?

The adenoids, appendix, spleen and thymus are considered lymph organs because they contain hundreds of lymph nodes. These nodes contain thousands of monocytes and lymphocytes which are white blood cells that protect the body from and defend the body against pathogens.

Are the heart the blood vessels and the blood the only organs in the body?

No, Heart is an organ, a pump that propels the blood flow throughout the body. Blood vessels are the ways in which blood nourish the body cells. The main organs of human body, all of them kept alive by the blood flow, are : Liver, Kidneys, Brain, Bowels, Skin, Bladder, Reproductive organs, Stomach, Lungs, Lymphatic system, Respiratory system, and many other.

What lymphatic system?

During transfer of blood between cells and blood vessels, there is an inevitable leaking of blood plasma into the space between organs (interstice). the blood cells are to large to get filtered, so it is only the plasma which fill these spaces.Stagnant fluid becomes a breeding ground for pathogens, so to prevent this there are special vessels called lymphatic vessels which keep the plasma (or lymph) in motion. lymph also has specialised phagocytic WBC's called lymphocytes which play a very important role in immunity.

What does the digestive system do in the lymphatic system?

The digestive system helps break down food into nutrients that can be absorbed and utilized by the body. The lymphatic system works to return fluids and proteins that leak out of blood vessels back into the circulatory system and plays a role in immune function by producing and transporting white blood cells.

What are 3 organs of the circulatory system?

There is only one major organ in circulatory system that is heart. Brain and lungs are not its parts they are parts of nervous and resperatory system. you may also see blood vessels as a part of circulatory system but its not an organ.

What are the functions of the cardiovascular Lymphatic and respiratory systems?

the lymphatic system only carries fluid away from tissues

How the organ system are in the human body?

There are 11. The immune, integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. But there are only 8 major organ systems in the body. They are: the skeletal, muscular, nervous, digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, reproductive, and urinary systems.