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Mercury (Hg) is a common metal that exists as a liquid at room temperature.

Symbol: Hg

Atomic Number: 80

Atomic Weight: 200.59

Density: 13.546 g/cc

Melting Point: -39 degrees C; Boiling Point 356 degrees C

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Q: What is the only metallic element exist in liquid state?
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The halogen that is an orange liquid is bromine. It has a reddish-brown color in its liquid state and is the only non-metallic element that is a liquid at room temperature.

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Mercury is the heaviest element at a liquid state.

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I think you are missing something in your question. Are you asking what metallic elements are at what state of matter at room temperature? If not, your question doesn't make any sense. But anyway, here are the metallic elements and there state of matter at room temperature. Gaseous: none. Liquid: Mercury. Solid: All the rest of the metallic elements. hoped that clarified things for you!

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The nonmetallic element in liquid state is bromine. Its chemical symbol is Br.

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