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The component of the force that is collinear with

the direction in which the object moves.

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3d ago

The component of the applied force that is parallel to the displacement of the object is the only part that performs work on the object. This is because work is defined as force multiplied by the displacement in the direction of the force.

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Q: What is the only part of an applied force that performs work on an object?
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True or false work is done only when an object moves in the direction of the applied force?

False. Work is done whenever a force is applied to an object and there is a displacement in the direction of the applied force, whether the object moves in that direction or not. In cases where the object does not move, work is still done as long as there is a force applied over a distance.

If the friction equals the force why the object moves. why it doesn't stop?

Friction force is equal to the force applied only when the object is not moving or it is just beginning to slide. Once the object has started motion completely, it means that the force applied has exceeded the frictional force

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No. Force must be applied and the point of application of the force must move. Work = force x distance.

What happen when you apply a force on an object in space?

It accelerates as long as the force is applied, and after that it continues at a uniform speed and direction.

When a force is applied that moves an object in the direction of the applied force is gravity done?

Gravity is indeed a force, but only one out of many. magnetic, frictional, mechanical ... . When an ordinary force applied to an object, (me pushing my wheelbarrow) this would not be considered as being affected by gravity.

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Yes, forces can change an object's motion. When a force is applied to an object, it can cause the object to accelerate, decelerate, or change direction. The change in motion is determined by the magnitude and direction of the force applied.

What is done only when an object moves in the direction of the applied force?

Work is done only when an object moves in the direction of the applied force. If the force and displacement are in the same direction, work is positive. If the force and displacement are in opposite directions, work is negative.

A force acting on an object does no work if?

the force is not in the direction of the objects motion.

Which property of an object could be changed if that object traveled to anther planet?

only the mass will change, the mass is the force applied by an object.

Can Newton's 2 ed law only be applied to a straight line.can it applied to a curved path along the direction of it?

It is a = F/M, and acceleration can be in any direction you want. When a force is applied, the object accelerated only in the direction of that force.

Is there a force that can go against friction?

No. Friction can only slow an object down. If friction were imparting a force greater than that of the applied forces, then friction in and of itself would actually be causing the object to move, which does not happen.

An applied force and a frictional force act on an object The object accelerates in the direction of the applied force Which of the following describe how the frictional force compares to the applied?

We're forced to go out on a limb here and propose an answer without benefit ofthe "following" list of choices, since, apparently, the question was automaticallytruncated and the choices were lost. It's a shame you went to all that trouble tocopy the choices along with the question, only to see them deleted by some nasty 'bot'.Since the object accelerates in the direction of the applied force, the net force on it ...equal to the vector sum of the applied force and the friction force ... must point inthe direction of the applied force, and so the frictional force must be less than theapplied force.