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Q: What is the opaque middle layer of the eye?
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What is the opaque middle layer of the eyeball?

The opaque middle layer of the eyeball is called the choroid. It is located between the retina and the sclera, providing blood supply to the retina and helping to nourish the eye tissues.

What is the opague middle layer of the eyeball?

The opaque middle layer of the eyeball is called the choroid. It is rich in blood vessels and helps to supply nutrients and oxygen to the retina, which is the light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye.

Opaque middle layer of the eyeball?

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Is choroid the pigmented layer of the eye?

No, the choroid is not the pigmented layer of the eye. The pigmented layer is called the retina, specifically the pigmented epithelium layer of the retina. The choroid is a vascular layer located behind the retina that provides oxygen and nutrients to the retina.

Which term describes the opaque middle layer of the eyeball?


Is sclera pleural?

No, the sclera is actually an opaque, white, fibrous layer that protects the eye. It is not a space, it contains collagen and elastic fibers.

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What is the vascular middle layer of the eye that provides the eye with blood called?

The vascular middle layer of the eye that provides blood is called the choroid. It supplies oxygen and nutrients to the retina and helps regulate intraocular pressure.

Nutritive or Vascular layer of the eye?

The vascular layer of the eye is also known as the uvea. It provides nourishment to the eye and consists of the iris, ciliary body, and choroid. This layer contains blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the structures of the eye.

What color is the sclera of cat?

The sclera in the cat's eye is there to protect the cat's eye. It is the opaque, fibrous, outer layer of the eye. It contains elastic fiber and collagen.

How many layers does the wall of the eyes have?

The human eye is made up of three layers. These are the outer layer, the middle layer and the inner layer.