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The rate of transpiration is the position of air bubble

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Q: What is the operational definition of the rate of transpiration?
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What is a definition of the rate of transpiration?

Hard to answer because transpiration rate is affected by many factors.This is from wikipediaThe rate of transpiration is directly related to the degree of stomatal opening, and to the evaporative demand of the atmosphere surrounding the leaf. The amount of water lost by a plant depends on its size, along with the surrounding light intensity, temperature, humidity, and wind speed (all of which influence evaporative demand). Soil water supply and soil temperature can influence stomatal opening, and thus transpiration rate.Maybe you mean what is a definition of transpiration rate?Transpiration rate i.e. the rate at which water is lost by a plant. Water can be lost from various parts of plants especially leaves but also stems, flowers and roots.

A researcher is measuring the heart rate of subjects as an index of anxiety in this study the heart rate is?

In this study, the measuring of the heart rate is an operational definition of anxiety.

What is the operational definition for wave speed?

An operational definition is a way of defining a physical quantity or quality in terms of an operation performed. An operational definition of wave speed is "The speed at which sound-waves in air transfer vibratory energy characterized by rate (frequency), starting position (phase), and magnitude (amplitude) of vibration."

How a researcher measures a research variable is what?

Operational definition. :)

Why water lost in transpiration is not constant?

Because there is no consistancy in the rate of transpiration

What is definition of transpiration?

The evaporation of water.

Is it possible for an operational definition to be valid but not reliable?

Is it possible for an operational definition to be valid but not reliable

Specification of how a researcher measures a research variable is known as an?

Operational definition.

How does high humidity affect transpiration?

High humidity reduces the rate of transpiration.

How does a type of plant affect transpiration?

*stomata -open-increased transpiration -closed-decreased transpiration *consequence of gas exchange -tradeoff of more gas exchange resulting in more transpiration *environmental factors -humidity -air movement -evaporative cooling -wind stress -intense light/heat

What is the scientific definition of transpiration?

transferring of pollen grains from one flower to another is called transpiration

Compare the rate of transpiration from two surfaces of leaf and give reasons?

Compare the rate of transpiration from two surfaces of leaf and give reasons?"