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That he will grow up to kill his father and marry his mother are the prophecies about subsequent Theban King Oedipus. Oedipus' parents, Theban King Laius and Queen Jocasta, receive the first prophecy. They try to prevent its fulfillment by planning to have their three-day-old son die exposed to the weather and wildlife on a hillside.

The grown-up Oedipus receives the second prophecy. He tries to prevent its fulfillment by running away from what he thinks is his hometown of Corinth. But in running away, he kills someone who looks like an elderly version of himself and is old enough to be his father. He then ends up in Thebes, about which he has no memory or knowledge. There, he marries the beautiful, recently widowed Jocasta, who may or may not share a resemblance and who definitely is old enough to be his mother.

And so the prophecies are fulfilled.

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13y ago
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13y ago

A series of three plays that cover the life and impact of Theban King Oedipus is what is meant by the 'Oedipus cycle'. The first play is 'Oedipus Rex', which tells of the king's loss of job, home, friends and family. The second play is 'Oedipus at Colonus', which tells of the circumstances of the king's death in Colonus. The third play is 'Antigone', which tells of the disasters that affect three of Oedipus' four children.

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15y ago

The opinion about Theban King Oedipus is his inheritance of the curse on the house of the Labdacidae through his father, King Laius. He puts the curse into motion with his unknowing killing of his father and his king in one fell swoop. He aggravates his cause with the gods even further by unknowingly marrying and having children with his mother, Queen Jocasta. In rapid succession therefore, he commits the serious crimes of regicide, parricide, and incest. Such sins earn for King Oedipus the anger, hatred, and scorn of those who know and hear of him.

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12y ago

the story of Oedipus is that he was son of the Theban King Laius and Queen Jocasta. He was abandoned at birth in the woods and his feet had pins stuck throught them to the forest ground, hence his name Oedipus meaning swolen foot. He was found by a Shepard and brought to Corinth where he was adopted by the king and queen. When he grew older, he went to see the oracle at delphi who told him that he was going to kill his father, marry his mother and have kids with her. Afraid, he ran away from home and met a guy at the crossroads. the guy cut him off sio Oedipus killed him. Oedipus came to Thebes and there was a sphynx outside who wouldn't let anyone in or out of the KIngdom. Oedipus solved the sphynx's riddle and he became the new king of Thebes and married the current king. In the end, he found out he had actually killed his father, the guy at the crossroads, and married his mother, queen of thebes. he had 4 kids with his mother. when his mother found out, she hung herself. Oedipus gauged both his eyes out with a stick.

this was a tragic play written by Sophocles, the most famous and accomplished playwright of that time

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13y ago

his message is that one should not, under any circumstances, let ones own power, or sense thereof, go to one's head. One is accountable for his actions, had Oedipus not killed the men and Laius, he wouldn't have ended up marrying his mother...simple

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14y ago

Thebes is afflicted by a bad harvest, and Theban King Oedipus wishes to know why. His brother-in-law and uncle Creon is sent to the Delphic oracle to find out why. Creon returns with the news that the murderers of previous Theban King Laius still are unpunished. As long as the perpetrators remain unpunished the blight shall continue. Oedipus then decrees that the murderers, whoever they may be, shall be banished from Thebes. He even invokes banishment on himself, should his house be accessed by any of the murderers.

Then the blind prophet Teiresias is guided by a boy into Oedipus' presence. At Oedipus' insistence, Teiresias reluctantly declares that Oedipus himself is the murderer. Moreover, he describes Oedipus as living in sin with 'thy nearest kin'. Finally, he predicts that Oedipus shall end up being a blind beggar.

Then Jocasta reveals that Laius had been murdered at a crossroads. She also tells of a son whose ankles Laius pinned together and whom he abandoned when the boy was only three days old. Oedipus finds out later that the boy is himself. When he and Jocasta learn the whole truth, Jocasta commits suicide and Oedipus blinds himself and is led into exile.
Oedipus kills his father and marries his mother.

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10y ago

the play of the king Oedipus is about searching the truth it means the real identity of Oedipus which is the killers of hos father and marry his mother .. it is an incest ..

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14y ago

It's about a man who was doomed to kill his father and sleep with his mother. Throughout the play he discovers the wrongs he's done

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Q: What is the opinion about Oedipus?
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What in your opinion is oedipus hamartia and what is its relevance to the play Oedipus Rex?


You have to write a summary about what you thought of Oedipus the king what should you write?

its your opinion!...not anyone else's.

Is Oedipus a helpless victim of fate?

this question is actually a question that regards a persons opinion. in my opinion, if we are discussing the same oedipus, he is not a "Victim" of fate, because in greek mythology the fates are creatures that are very nasty. "Fate" as in destiny though, that is a whole other matter. i think it was oepidus's destiny to lose his wife, just to teach people a lesson.

Is Oedipus a real hero?

It's unknown as to whether Theban King Oedipus was a living, breathing, real life hero. Some experts and specialists consider Oedipus to be a character who was made up, to prove a point and provide entertainment to ancient theater going audiences. A basis for such an opinion is the lack of the telling of the Oedipus story anywhere else.But on the other hand, it indeed is possible that Oedipus really did exist. His story may not have been repeated, because of the heinousness of his offenses against the gods and against his fellow mortals. A basis for such an opinion is the birthplace of the story's most famous author. Sophocles [c. 496 B.C.E. - c. 406 B.C.E.] was born into a family who were longtime residents of Colonus. Colonus was reputed to be the final resting place of Oedipus.

What is the Oedipus trilogy?

Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone

Related questions

What in your opinion is oedipus hamartia and what is its relevance to the play Oedipus Rex?


You have to write a summary about what you thought of Oedipus the king what should you write?

its your opinion!...not anyone else's.

Is Oedipus a helpless victim of fate?

this question is actually a question that regards a persons opinion. in my opinion, if we are discussing the same oedipus, he is not a "Victim" of fate, because in greek mythology the fates are creatures that are very nasty. "Fate" as in destiny though, that is a whole other matter. i think it was oepidus's destiny to lose his wife, just to teach people a lesson.

Is Oedipus a real hero?

It's unknown as to whether Theban King Oedipus was a living, breathing, real life hero. Some experts and specialists consider Oedipus to be a character who was made up, to prove a point and provide entertainment to ancient theater going audiences. A basis for such an opinion is the lack of the telling of the Oedipus story anywhere else.But on the other hand, it indeed is possible that Oedipus really did exist. His story may not have been repeated, because of the heinousness of his offenses against the gods and against his fellow mortals. A basis for such an opinion is the birthplace of the story's most famous author. Sophocles [c. 496 B.C.E. - c. 406 B.C.E.] was born into a family who were longtime residents of Colonus. Colonus was reputed to be the final resting place of Oedipus.

Is Oedipus complex in films and pictures?

It's up for debate, and is subject to opinion and theoretical analysis. In Psycho, there is an obvious presence of an Oedipal Complex, as in the Birds. Remember, there are some people who still deny the idea of the Oedipus complex itself... it is, after all , a theory.

What is the Oedipus trilogy?

Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone

What is the critical opinion on 'Oedipus Rex'?

That it is the perfect tragedy is the critical opinion on "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, nothing is irrelevant in the play. All characters and events link to form a net in which Theban King is caught and from which he cannot escape. In fact, Oedipus thinks that he comes up with successful avoidance and escapist strategies that in fact just make more realizable his fate as the killer of his own father, the husband of his own mother and the half-sibling of his own children.

What are the Oedipus plays of Sophocles?

Antigone, Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus

Who was laius in Oedipus Rex?

Laius was the father of Oedipus who Oedipus killed.

When the play Oedipus begins which of the following is true the sphinx is terrorizing Thebes Oedipus is not married to Jocasta Oedipus's father is alive Oedipus is king of Thebes?

Oedipus is king of Thebes

Who is Antigone to Oedipus?

its Oedipus daughter

Who is the protagonist in Oedipus the King?
