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Q: What is the opposite of emancipation?
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Related questions

Is a 16 year old pregnant minor considered emancipation in the state of Kentucky?

No, they are not emancipated. Getting pregnant doesn't make one any more capable of making decisions, it sort of proves the opposite. You either have to reach the age of majority or apply for emancipation.

What did the emancipation?

There are many things that an emancipation could be referring to. The emancipation could be referring to the Emancipation Proclamation.

How did the emancipation proclemation effect the emancipation of minors?

There is no relationship between the two other than they use the word emancipation. The Emancipation Proclaimation deals with slavery. Emancipation of Minors deals with children.

What document set the slaves free?

The Emancipation Proclomation

What is the term for freeing of slaves?


Emancipation of Proclamation?

When Lincoln was president, the Emancipation Proclamation was to free all of the slaves in the Confederacy. :)

What are the emancipation laws in Iowa?

There is no emancipation status for this state.

What is the process for emancipation in Tennessee?

There is no emancipation available in Tennessee.

Process of emancipation in ga?

There is no process for emancipation in Georgia.

Does Missouri have an emancipation law?

No, Missouri does not have an emancipation statute.

Where can you get an emancipation petition form in Oklahoma?

There is no emancipation in Oklahoma.

Does Florida have emancipation laws?

Florida has emancipation laws. Emancipation means the act of removing disabilities of nonage. By emancipation, an person will be given all the rights and responsibilities of an adult.