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Q: What is the opposite of wince?
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Antynoms for wince?

Antynoms for wince?

What is a sentence using wince?

i wince when i get sots

How can you use the word wince in a sentence?

Wince means to flinch. The strong iodine made him wince.

Is wince a pronoun?

No, the word 'wince' is a noun and a verb.

What are antonyms of the word wince?

Synonyms for the verb wince are flinch or start. Synonyms for the noun wince are jump or start.

A sentence for wince?

The actress's failed attempt at a cockney accent made me wince.

How do you put wince in a sentence?

the dog's bite mad the child wince in pain.

What is some examples of wince in a sentence?

When Larry got hit, he bagan to wince in pain.

Does wince have a long or short vowel sound?

Wince has a short vowel sound.

How do you use wince in a sentence?

There are many ways in which you could use the word wince in a sentence. You could say that the pain made you wince.

What is the answer for wince dug aims tart in mad gab?

wince dug aims tart: When's the game start?

How can you use wince in a sentence?

Her harsh voice on the phone made him wince. (Means flinching or making a face, as at sudden pain.)