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Q: What is the order in which elements undergo fusion on the sun?
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What elements the sun fusion to create energy?


Which elements are involved during the process of fusion in the sun?

Hydrogen is turned into helium in the fusion process that releases the Sun's energy.

What is the source of energy for a star?

The energy source for stars, which produces vast amounts of heat and light, is the fusion of atomic nuclei in the star's core. In our own Sun, hydrogen is fused into helium; in older and heavier stars heavier elements may also undergo nuclear fusion.

How does the sun emit radiant energy?

As an outcome of nuclear fusion of sun light elements ofDeuteriumand tritium

Why does your sun have 2 percent heavier elements and from where do they come?

I think it's our Sun which gets heavier elements from fusion of hydrogen and other light elements.Edit: Our Sun does create helium from hydrogen by fusion, but that's all. The reason it has heavier elements is that these come from the nebula that formed the Sun. The heavier elements are thought to have come from stars that exploded as "supernovas", a long time ago.

What elements in the sun are fused together?

Our sun produces mostly helium by fusion, but it also uses fusion to make lithium, beryllium and boron. Temperature and mass determine how far a star can go with fusion. "Solar fusion" only refers to the fusion going on in Sol, the star nearest Earth (our star, the sun). Stellar nucleosynthesis is how elements are produced in stars, and in much larger & hotter stars fusion is responsible for elements as heavy as unstable zinc, or stable iron.

What is the chemical make up elements of the sun?

hydrogen mainly, but there undergo fission to form helium (which undergo fission as the star approaches supernova producing the heavy elements like carbon)

How does hydrogen affect people?

The sun (mostly hydrogen) is basically a nuclear fusion reactor, releasing energy by nuclear fusion of hydrogen nuclei into higher elements (which is where the higher elements actually come from). In fact it is a fusion bomb held together by stupendous gravity. No hydrogen, no sun, no people.

What does happen within the sun is it fission or fusion?

Fusion only, there are no heavy elements like uranium so there can be no fission taking place

How does the sun get energy from?

The prime energy producer in the Sun is the fusion of hydrogen to form helium, which occurs at a solar-core temperature of 14 million kelvin.As a star uses up most of its hydrogen, it begins to synthesize heavier elements. The more massive stars undergo a violent supernova at the end of its life, a process known as supernova nucleosynthesis. Our sun will not do this at the end of its' life. It will form a red dwarf instead.

How can you explain the presence of heavy elements within sun and the solar system?

Nuclear fusion.

Which process combines lighter elements into heavier elements and produces energy within the sun and other stars?

That is called "nuclear fusion".