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oral cavity, esophagus,stomach,small intestine,large intestine,rectum,anus.

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Q: What is the order of organs that food passes through when you eat.?
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What name is given to the food as it passes through these different organs and structures?


What major organs does food passes through?

Stomach, small and large intestine

What are the names of the organs that fiber passes through?

mouth gut small intestine large intestine

When we eat food what are the first 3 organs that it passes through?

The stomach, large intestine and the small intestine

What is the order of the digestive tract that food passes through?

food passes throw 6 digestive organs in your body. Mouth ,esophagus ,stomach ,small intestine ,large intestine, and rectum.

What structure where food passes from mouth?

From the mouth, food passes into the oropharynx and then the esophagus. These organs carry the food to the stomach.

What is the pathway food travels through in the digestive system in order?

first the food passes through your esophagus then to your small intestines and then your large intestines

What pushes the food through the digestive system?

The organs that your food passes through pushes it along. E.g: The esophagus (aka: The gullet) squeezes and pushes the food down. That's why you can eat upside down without the food coming back up!

Is the rectum an accessory organ?

No. Feces passes through it. An accessory organ doesn't have food (or what was once food) pass through it. They just help with the digestion process. The accessory organs are the liver, gall bladder, and pancreas.

What happens to food when it passes through the colon?

When food passes through the colon, water is absorbed to transform the food waste into feces.

What happen to the food as it passes through the anus?

Nothing. Food doesn't pass through the anus. Waste passes through the anus.

How does food travel through the cell?

nutriants are extractedin several different organs and are transported to the liver, and when blood passes through, nutriants are added to the blood, then they Carrie it to all parts of the body.