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Q: What is the organizational pattern of the passage How do you eat an ice cream cone by L. Rust Hills?
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What is the organizational pattern of How do you Eat an Ice-Cream Cone by L. Rust Hills?


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What is the main idea of this passage from How do you Eat an Ice-Cream Cone?

Deciding on what flavor of the ice cream everyone wants is difficult. -Apex

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Well the chocolate valley and whipped cream hills comprise about 53 percent...

Where do you buy homeopathic cream oleum jecoris for unwanted hair in hyderabad India?

Hello, This cream is manufactured by Richfeel Health and Beauty and is available at its clinic at Banjara Hills rd no10, Hyderabad.

Are there lots of ice cream places in Southwick MA?

There are not a lot, but the ones that are there are quality. The Summer House on College Highway is a local favorite. Moo-Licious Ice Cream on Feeding Hills Road is new in the past few years, but has proven to be very good as well.

What is is a cat that's colored black orange and cream called?

This pattern is called tortoiseshell. If it has a considerable amount of white, it is called calico.

What is a Beverly Hills Manicure?

Same theory as a French manicure, but the white tip is muted to a cream color and the overlay has more peach/rose. It it a more natural looking manucure than the stark white tipped French style.

Meaning of light cream?

Light cream is sweet cream with less butterfat than heavy cream. I think in the UK light cream is called single cream and heavy cream is double or whipping cream.

What are some brands of cream to make ice cream?

whip cream, sugar cream and ice-cream of course!

Are cream and whipping cream interchangeable?

In the UK, whipping cream is just a type of cream sold for whipping. (And actually, double cream works better for whipped cream toppings). Whipped cream is a type of fresh cream, in the sense that double cream, single cream, clotted cream etc... are all types of fresh cream. Whipped cream is not "the same as" fresh cream, it is a member of the "fresh cream" group. If a recipe just says "serve with fresh cream", it's best just to pick a type of cream that suits your needs (i.e pourable or non-pourable).

Is Sepgard gel be used in anal passage?

Sepgard is a product of Themis Medicare, which comes in 3 different formulation, Sepgard Gel which is haemostatic cream to stop bleeding, sepgard solution which is used in surgeries again to stop bleeding. There is another formulation Sepgard-AR gel which is used for the treatment of haemorrhoides, it containes Feracrylum and Centbucridine and it is used in Anal passage comes with applicator