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Q: What is the organizational unit of skeletal muscle cells known as?
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What are the cells in large skeletal muscles called?

Muscle cells are known as myocytes.

What are muscle cells also known as?

cardiac muscle cells smooth muscle cells skeletal muscle cells in honors anatomy thats what they said the cells where called, so I am pretty sure those are the correct names.

What is straited muscle?

straited muscle are another form of skeletal muscle.

What can be found in every skeletal muscle?

Mycocytes, muscle cells sometimes called muscle fibers, are individual components that make up skeletal muscle cells. They are formed from the fusion of myoblasts known as myogenesis. They are long, cylindrical, multinucleate cells called myofibers. They are held together by connective tissue. The muscle is attached to tendons and bones,

Skeletal muscle is also known as what?

voluntary or striated muscle

What is each skeletal muscle cell known as?

straited muscle

Why are skeletal muscle fibers unusual?

The skeletal muscle, or striated muscle, is the muscle attached to the skeleton. Most skeletal muscles are attached to bones by bundles of collagen fibers known as tendons. The contraction of skeletal muscle is under voluntary control.

What type of cells does the heart have?

The heart contains cardiac muscle cells. The cells are striated (the muscle fibers contain alternating light and dark bands). They differ from skeletal muscle in that it is an involuntary contraction, but they are similar in that they both have striations.

A skeletal muscle cell is also known as a?

A skeletal muscle is also known as a striated muscle. When viewed under polarized light or stained with an indicator, alternating stripes of light and dark are visible.

Muscle under voluntary control are known as?

skeletal muscles or voluntary muscles

Striated muscle the muscle you normally think about when you mention muscle is also known as?

Skeletal muscles.

A condition by the destruction of skeletal muscle fibers is known as?
