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Promethium is an "odd duck" in that it has no stable isotopes, and of those it has, none have long half-lives. Though it was predicted to exist and was sought, it was not found in nature. It shared this distinction with one other element - technetium. As these two elements never appeared in any recovery efforts, they either did not exist in the earth's crust, or were so finely divided and dispersed that they could not be detected, let alone concentrated and examined. It was only recently that the smallest traces of it were found in ores of uranium. Promethium is one of a number of possible products of the spontaneous fission of uranium-238. Promethium is produced in nuclear reactors, and it is one of the products created in fission, or from the decay of fission products. Note that a number of different fission products are possible in a given fission event. The probability that promethium will result is low. But by reprocessing a fair amount of spent fuel, recoverable amounts have been brought to the laboratory for analysis, and from that work we now have some understanding of this metal. Reprocessing spent fuel is one of the most hazardous activities imaginable It is extremely radioactive - "dirty" almost beyond imagining Promethium can also be obtained in the nuclear physics lab by bombarding neodymium (146Nd) in the neutron flux of an operating reactor to activate it. The resulting 147Nd (half-life of about 11 days) decays to promethium (147Pm). Wikipedia has additional information, and a link below will take you there.

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8y ago

The name promethium is derived from Prometheus, the Titan, in Greek mythology, who stole the fire from Mount Olympus and brought it down to mankind.

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11y ago

The name promethium is derived from the name Prometheus - a person in the Greek mythology.

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9y ago

The name of the chemical element is derived from the name of the titan Prometheus in the Greek mythology.

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9y ago

The name of the chemical element is derived from the name of the titan Prometheus in Greek mythology.

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9y ago

Promethium was discovered in 1945-1947 in uranium burned fuels as a fission product.

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Where did the symbol promethium come from?

The chemical symbol of promethium - Pm - is derived from this name.

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Promethium is today the unique name for this chemical element.

Why was Pm the symbol for promethium?

The symbol is derived from the name.

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Promethium bromide contain promethium and bromine.

Is Promethium magetic?

Yes, Promethium is a radioactive element that is paramagnetic, meaning it is weakly attracted to magnetic fields.

Is promethium flamable?

Promethium is not flammable.

Where does the name of promethium come from?

The name of the chemical element is derived from the name of the mythological Greek titan Prometheus.

Is promethium soluble?

Promethium is not soluble in water.

Is promethium a solid?

Yes. Promethium is a solid.

Is promethium a flamable element?

Promethium is not flammable.

What is the normal stage of promethium?

Promethium is a metal.

Does promethium have protons?

Promethium has 61 protons.