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Busy work, chores

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Balaram Das

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4mo ago
The question is origination, not definition.

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Q: What is the origin of the phrase get back to your rat killing?
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Related questions

Is the phrase get back to your rat killing a regional saying?

I believe it's a southern thing. I grew up with this and many other colorful sayings that no one I know has ever heard.

Where did the expression rat killing come from?

farmers did their rat killing on sat? that was one of their chores?

How do you get a rat?

by killing it

How much is the fine for killing a street rat?


Where did the idiom rat race origin from?

It was in 1960 in America

In the story the great rat hunt Part of yep doesnt want to go on the rat hunt why does he volunterr to go?

he wants to prove to his dad that he can do something, and he wants to go but he also wishes that he stayed with his mom to avoid killing the rat since he hates killing.

What is the ending to the phrase fat fat water rat?

"Fat fat the water rat, fifty bullets in your hat."

How do i kill my rat's fleas with out killing my pet rat in the process?

Petstores sell anti flea sprays especially made for small animals.

What is Rhyming word pair for overweight rodent?

Fat rat is probably the phrase you are looking for. A rat is a rodent, and fat means overweight.

What harm does the black rat do to america?

the black rat is an invasive speices it was brought here by erurope the harm is killing trees and eating food that is ours

What is wratten?

An English surname. Exact origin unknown but possibly an alternate spelling of the French "Ratten" for someone resembling a rat, or a professional rat catcher.

Is the word setting in the phrase setting a rat trap an adjective?

no, It is not a adjective it is a verb.