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Q: What is the origin of the phrase or meme A wizard has turned you into a whale Is this awesome Y or N or What adventure game does it come from?
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What is the meaning of the phrase 'turned blue'?

That's easy! Its a phrase.

What is the origin of the phrase kick this pig?

Originated with Harley Davidson rides - refers to kick starting the bike, or 'hog'. Turned into 'Let's kick this pig' to denote getting things started

What is the origin of the phrase Let's kick this pig?

Originated with Harley Davidson rides - refers to kick starting the bike, or 'hog'. Turned into 'Let's kick this pig' to denote getting things started

What is the origin of the phrase put up your dukes?

It comes from Cockney Rhyming slang. 'Forks'was a slang name for hands. Rhyming slang turned this into 'Duke of Yorks', finally contracted to 'dukes' for hands.

What is the Portuguese phrase for turned Stomach?

Estômago virado.

Why doesnt Bella get turned in to a vampire in twilight new moon?

no would be awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What part of speech are the words had turned?

The words "had turned" are a verb phrase. "Had" is the auxiliary verb and "turned" is the main verb.

A clause in sentence ihas been turned into a in sentence j?


What turned a disagreement into a war in Vietnam?

every body stinks u.s is awesome we kick their buts

A wizard has turned you into a whale- Is this awesome Y-N?

no you would be fat! like extra fat man

How do you use peripeteia in a sentence?

A peripeteia turned my mundane life into an exciting adventure. (A peripeteia is an unexpected change of fortune or circumstances)

Did Katia turned into a real girl in the end of Bratz Genie Magic?

Yes i have it and i watched it a million times And im awesome