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The original spanish word for cowhand is "vaquero."

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Q: What is the original spanish word for cowhand?
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Is cowhand a compound word?

Yes, cowhand is a compound word.

How do you say the word original in spanish?

There is no other word for original in spanish its just 'original', but it's pronounced aw-reekh-ee-nAl

How were cowhand linked to a spanish heritage?

The spanish were adept at herding livestock.During the 15th century,they brougth the tradition with them to the New World.

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The English form of the Spanish word Ca–on.

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Compound is the word in the list that is a compound word, as it is made up of two separate words - "cow" and "hand", which combine to form a new word with a distinct meaning.

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puncher, cowherd, cowhand, cowgirl, cowpoke,

How do you spell different in Spanish?

The Spanish word is a cognate, the word diferente / diferentes (plural).If you're using it as "not the same", it's distinto or diferente. If you're using it as "unusual" it's original or diferente.

How is cowhand and rodeo similar?

A rodeo is an exhibition and competition of a cowhand's trade.

When did Original Spanish Kitchen end?

Original Spanish Kitchen ended in 1961.

What is the original meaning of the spanish word Simon?

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