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The other side of the island in "Lord of the Flies" is described as wild and untamed, with dense forest and rugged terrain. It is where the boys initially find the large boulder that they later use as a focal point for their group meetings. The boys consider the other side of the island as a mysterious and unexplored territory.

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Q: What is the other side of the island like of lord of the flies?
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In the Lord of the Flies the island was what shaped?

The island was boat shaped

Lord of the flies what shape is the island?

A boat.

What color is the platform in Lord of the Flies?

The platform is made of pink granite, just like all the other rocks on the island, including the mountain and castle rock.

How is the description of the weather important to the story lord of the flies?

Because it shows what the island is going to be like for the time they are there.


The boys in "Lord of the Flies" destroyed the island through acts of violence, fear, and chaos. They set fires, killed animals, and eventually turned on each other in a spiral of savagery that led to the destruction of the island's natural beauty and their own humanity.

What do the boys do when they enter the island in lord of the flies?
