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Well, eventually its gonna get used up. Also, it would contribute to global warming, Which is not what we want to happen. GO ALTERNATIVE POWER!

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Q: What is the outcome if the use of fossil fuels is not decreased over the next 50 years?
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What is the most likely outcome of the use of fossil fuels is not decreased over the next 50 years?

increase in atmospheric CO2 and increase in surface temperature

Why are fossil fuels a nonrenewable resource?

Fossil fuels take millions of years to form.

How can a lump of rock end up as a power in several years?

Fossil Fuels Fossil Fuels

Are potatoes fossil fuels?

The potatoes are not the fossil fuels.But they can turn into fossil fuels once buried in soil for million years.

Why is the supply of fossil fuels limited?

The process of creating fossil fuels takes millions of years and fossil fuels are nonrenewable.

How long does it take for the earth to make fossil fuels in years at a time?

It takes millions of years for fossil fuels to be naturally formed.

What is the timescale of fossil fuels running out?

Fossil Fuels predict to run out withing 50-55 years

Will fossil fuels never run out?

fossil fuels will run out in: 50 years for oil 250 for nuclear and coal will run out in 80 years...

Why do you need to save fossil fuels?

as fossil fuels are very important as most of our vehicles work on fossil fuels once finished they only can be restored after millions and millions of years

When fossil fuels are burned they release energy stored thousands of years ago?

When fossil fuels are burned, they release energy stored years ago.

Why are resources also called fossil fuels?

Onced used ,it takes many millions of years to replace fossil fuels.

How can fossil fuels be formed?

fossil fuels are formed by organisms when they die and also takes millons of years for it to form.