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melted iron and nickel

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Liquid nickel and iron.

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Q: What is the outer core believed to be composed of?
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What is the outer core believed to composed of?

Liquid nickel and iron.

Which of the earth's layers contains mainly nickel and iron?

The Earth's core contains mainly nickel and iron. It is divided into two parts: the outer core, which is liquid, and the inner core, which is solid. The high density of nickel and iron in the core is responsible for Earth's magnetic field.

What is the earth's outer core made up of?

The Earth's inner core is made of solid iron and nickel, like the outer core, though the outer core has MOLTEN iron and nickel for its contents.

Outer core thickness?

The outer core is 2300 kilometers thick. It is composed of mainly nickel and iron. The inner core is 1200 kilometers thick and composed of iron.

How do you use outer core in a sentence?

The outer core of a golf ball is composed of a rubber band.

Which layer of the Earth is composed of liquid iron and nickel?

The Earth's outer core is a layer of liquid metal.

Is the outer core a solid liquid or gas?

The outer core is a liquid, composed mostly of iron and nickel.

What is the earths outter core composed of?

iron and nickel is the answer and so is the inner core. the inner and the outer and together but the outer core is liquid and the inner core is solid

What do the word inner core mean in science?

The core of the Earth is composed of two layers: the inner core and the outer core. Both are composed mostly of iron and nickel, but the outer core is liquid due to temperatures and the inner core is solid due to additional pressure.

Which layer of the earth is composed of liquid iron?

mantle, core, outer core, or crust

What is the core of uranus composed of?

It is believed to be composed of Rock, Metal and Water. yo

liquid outer core is composed of ________?

molten nickel and iron