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First, you see the menu. The rest depends on what you choose from the menu.

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Q: What is the output of menudriven program for stack operation?
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Write a c program to perform stack operation?

int top=-1; int stack[10];

What are the stack operation?

there are two operations you can do with a STACK one is PUSH operation and the other is POP operation

What is stack operation in 8085 microprocessor?

STACK operation in 8085 microprocessor.The stack is a reserved area of the memory in RAM where temporary information may be stored. An 8-bit stack pointer is used to hold the address of the most recent stack entry. This location which has the most recent entry is called as the top of the stack.When the information is written on the stack, the operation is called PUSH. When the information is read from the stack, the operation is called POP. The stack works on the principle of Last in First Out or Fist in Lat Out

Is Recursion operation of the stack?


What is the difference between stack pointer and program counter?

The stack pointer keeps track of the top of the stack used by the current thread. The program counter keeps track of the next instruction in a program. Both are registers and both store a memory address.

'write a simple program for stack operation in c plus plus?

void push(int y) { if(top>stackSize) { cout<<"stack full"<<endl; return; } else { top++; stack[top]=y; } } int pop() { int a; if(top<=0) { cout<<"stack is empty"<<endl; return 0; } else { a=stack[top]; top--; } return(a); }

What is stack in 8085 microprocessor?

STACK operation in 8085 microprocessor.The stack is a reserved area of the memory in RAM where temporary information may be stored. An 8-bit stack pointer is used to hold the address of the most recent stack entry. This location which has the most recent entry is called as the top of the stack.When the information is written on the stack, the operation is called PUSH. When the information is read from the stack, the operation is called POP. The stack works on the principle of Last in First Out or Fist in Lat Out

What is the operation of delete in stack?

Delete is mostly commonly known as pop in stack. The last element inserted into the stack is removed from the stack. Here is an illustration:Consider the stack with the elements 1,2,3,4 inserted in order.1->2->3->4\topThe top of the stack will be pointing to 4. When pop operation is performed, 4 is removed from the stack and the top is made to point to 3. The stack then becomes:1->2->3\top

What is hardware stack and software stack?

A hardware stack refers to the physical components of a computer system, typically arranged in layers. It includes the processor, memory (RAM), storage (hard drive or SSD), and input/output devices (keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc.).

Why insert operation in stack called as push operation?

Consider an array used as a stack. Align this array vertically. When an element is inserted into the stack, it is pushed all the way down despite the space availability at the top. Hence it is called push operation. Here's an illustration:Stack initially:|_||_||_||5|Stack after the insertion of 6:|_||_||6| - element pushed down as much as possible|5|

What is Stack overflow at line?

A stack overflow is a type of buffer overflow in which an array writes memory outside of the array boundaries. The keyword here is "stack". The stack is a section in memory in which local variables and other program data are kept for future reference. When the stack gets overflown, adjacent program memory, such as variables, pointers, etc, will be overwritten and cause your program to crash.

How do you use push operation in stack give the exampale of the program?

A stack can be implemented as an array or a list. If an array, simply push the new element onto the end of the array. If a list, point the new node at the head node then make the new node the new head of the list.