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It is the cuticle.

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Q: What is the outside protective layer of the hair?
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Does hair protect the skull?

Try thinking that one through for yourself. Hair is on the outside of the body. Bones are inside the body. Kinda difficult to protect something if the protective layer is on he inside.

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The outside of the Dura Mater (a protective layer of the spinal cord and brain) of the spinal cord.

What is the function of the cuticle of the hair?

The cuticle of the hair is a protective layer,shielding it from temperature and humidity changes,as well as damage from rubbing and pulling

What is the hair cuticle?

The cuticle is the colourless outside layer of the hair. It lets chemicals in and out of the hair, chemicals such as shampoo and colours.

Would you be injured by a solar flare if you were in space near the earth?

If you were outside the Earth's protective layer, the answer is yes.

Why hair is not present on palm?

Like the bottom of your feet, your palm is covered in a protective layer of skin, that have no pores.

Why does parts of your hair not react to hair dye?

The innermost part of the hair (medulla) and the outside layer of the hair (cuticle) do not react with hair dye.

What forms a protective layer of gas in the stratosphere?

The ozone forms a protective layer. It is present as ozone layer.

This layer contains the protective gas?

The ozone layer contains the protective gas.

Which chemical damages the protective ozone layer?

Chlorofluorocarbons damage the protective ozone layer.

How do the protective layer that surrounds planet earth provide protection?

The protective layer is ozone layer. The protection is from UV.