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Crystal shape is the outward expression of the internal arrangement of atoms, held together in a specific geometrical arrangement.

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The outward expression of the internal arrangement of atoms is the physical properties of a substance. These properties, such as color, texture, and hardness, are a result of how the atoms are arranged and interact with each other on a molecular level.

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Q: What is the outward expression of the internal arrangement of atoms is?
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What kind of electromagnetic radiation could be used to see molecules?

X-rays can be used to see the internal structure of molecules as they have short wavelengths that can penetrate materials and reveal the arrangement of atoms within the molecules. X-ray crystallography is a common technique used for this purpose.

What happen to atom when substances goes from solid to liquid?

When a substance goes from solid to liquid, the atoms gain enough energy to overcome the attractive forces that hold them in a fixed position in the solid. This allows the atoms to move more freely, leading to a change in the arrangement of the atoms from a fixed and ordered structure in the solid to a more random and less structured arrangement in the liquid.

What are composed of atoms?

All matter is composed of atoms, which are the basic building blocks of all elements. Atoms consist of a nucleus made up of protons and neutrons, surrounded by a cloud of electrons. The arrangement and interactions of these atoms determine the properties and behavior of different substances.

The internal energy stored in the bonds between atoms is a form of potential energy that is sometimes called electromagnetic energy is this true or false?

True. The internal energy stored in the bonds between atoms is a form of potential energy that arises from electromagnetic interactions between charged particles within the atoms.

Which one of the following is a form of internal kinetic and potential energy contained in an object associated with the motion of its atoms or molecules?

The form of internal kinetic and potential energy contained in an object associated with the motion of its atoms or molecules is thermal energy or heat energy.

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What is the outward expression of the internal arrangement of atoms?

Crystal shape is the outward expression of the internal arrangement of atoms, held together in a specific geometrical arrangement.

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The internal arrangement of atoms.

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the internal arrangement of atoms

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internal arrangement of atoms

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A regular repeating arrangement of atoms within a rock is called a crystal lattice. This lattice gives crystals their characteristic shape and internal structure, which can be seen under a microscope or macroscopically.

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The arrangement of the atoms

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How go you get the mineral amber?

Amber is not a mineral, because it has an organic origin and amorphous structure (no orderly internal arrangement of atoms).